Can men and women ever just be friends? I say yes. So imagine my unease last week when a recently-acquired, platonic male friend revealed his decidedly non-platonic feelings for me.
No, for the last time, we are NOT a couple. We are male/female platonic friends; both single(ish) (“it’s complicated”, to put it in Facebook speak), and both reluctantly entering our 30s. As our contemporaries pair up, marry off, disappear into the dire abyss of the suburbs, systematically churning out mini-mes, we are growing ever more cynical and disillusioned. Find out what it’s like to be a Singleton in the dating jungle of NW London from a male and female perspective: she says, he says.
Answers ranged from "stupidity" to "height" (my friend I will only date men no shorter than 6"4 - 6"2 in special circumstances - and will accuse them of misrepresentation and leave if they are any shorter) to "too obsessive about football".
I have 2 dealbreakers. The first is poor spelling, punctuation and grammar. Most offensive is the use of "your" instead of "you're". I also hate people who use commas where only a semi-colon would suffice (although for the perfect biceps, I am prepared to overlook this offence). Bad spelling and grammar indicate no attention to detail, inability to learn correctness from repeated exposure and someone who simply doesn't read enough. Dealbreaker!
The second thing that completely puts me off is someone who is either politically ignorant or someone who is too right wing. A very big no for me.
But - arrgh - I have a date this week with one of the few people on the dating site who stands out for not being a suburban clone and has something interesting to say for himself. Actually, what really impressed me was his wild eccentricity, his knowledge of good whiskies and the fact that he accused me of looking like a drag queen in one of my photos (he was right and I admire his directness). BUT - he is right wing. He doesn't even describe himself as moderate (which usually means right wing and unself-aware). He compared mixing a right winger with a liberal to holding a match to a bomb. I countered that explosive is always good.
So let's see what happens when 2 opinionated people with different political views meet. With whisky in the mix, it should be interesting.
At least he can spell.